Programme / Project Code | Title | |
PPE 604 PM | Intensive Support and Preventive Programme for AIDS and Blood-borne Diseases | [ Detail ] |
PPE 607 PM | Understand and Connect Them (UCT) | [ Detail ] |
PPE 611 PM | Invest Hong Kong – Building a health population by intensifying HIV/STI prevention and care in the community | [ Detail ] |
PPE 615 PM | HIV risk reduction and support services for drug abusers, SARDA | [ Detail ] |
PPE 625 PM | Multi-pronged - Protecting MSM Subgroups from HIV Infection | [ Detail ] |
PPE 627 PJ | Young female sex workers peer education through internet media project | [ Detail ] |
PPE 632 PJ | Understanding and Educating those Left Behind – The Sexually Active Deaf, Blind and People with Physical Disabilities | [ Detail ] |
PPE 633 PJ | Transgender HIV/AIDS prevention and education programme | [ Detail ] |
MSS 190 R | Behavioural surveillance surveys of the male clients of female sex workers population in Hong Kong | [ Detail ] |
MSS 194 PM | Public acceptance, prevention, care & support, and capacity building for people at risks and people living with HIV/AIDS | [ Detail ] |
MSS 195 PM | A holistic support, self-help and wellness enhancement programme for PLHIV | [ Detail ] |
MSS 220 R | A study of Pharmacogenomics for therapeutic and prognostic guidance towards HIV/AIDS patients co-infected with Hepatitis C virus (HCV) | [ Detail ] |
MSS 222 R | Awareness of in-home HIV tests and their use in men who have sex with men in Hong Kong | [ Detail ] |
MSS 223 R | Assessing impact of CYP2B6-G516T polymorphisms on plasma efavirenz levels in Chinese HIV-positive patients using a pharmacokinetic model. Is there scope to individualise patient therapy ? | [ Detail ] |