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Programmes/ Projects Supported by ATF


Programmes / Projects supported by the AIDS Trust Fund in January 2017

PPE 655 PM - Project 2 & 4
Application: Comprehensive Package for Young MSM and Young MSM newly infected with HIV
(Executive Summary submitted by the applicant)
Applicant: The Boys’ and Girls’ Clubs Association of Hong Kong
Objectives: The objective of this project are:
  1. to collaborate with multi-disciplinary professional in case consultation and counseling with young MSM with high risk behaviors;
  2. to increase teachers, social workers and medical professionals’ awareness on HIV prevention and skills on working with MSM through providing sensitivity and skill-building trainings;
  3. to equip parents with knowledge in HIV and have better communication with gay children; and
  4. to run school educational workshops and visits and public exhibition.
Project Duration: April 2017 to March 2018
Contact Person: Mr. CHAU Chun Yam
Project Officer
3 Lockhart Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong
Telephone: 2320 4005
Fax: 2328 6401