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Programmes/ Projects Supported by ATF


Programmes / Projects supported by the AIDS Trust Fund in January 2017

PPE 648 PM - Project 5
Application: Prevention and Care for Cross Borders - MSM, MSW, TSW
Applicant: Midnight Blue
Objectives: The aims of this project are:
  1. to increase awareness about HIV/STI and health risk perceptions as well as foster safer sex practices among cross-border Hong Kong MSM and clients of MSW who are sexually active in Shen Zhen, other cities in Mainland China and South-east Asia;
  2. to provide HIV and Syphilis rapid testing to MSM who are sexually active in Shen Zhen, other cities in Mainland China and South-east Asia;
  3. to promote the importance of regular testing behavior among the MSM who are sexually active in Shen Zhen, other cities in Mainland China and South-east Asia;
  4. to promote holistic sexual health management of STI (sexually transmitted infections) among HK MSM who are sexually active outside Hong Kong;
  5. to organize peer groups, train and motivate volunteers to provide peer counseling services among HK MSM who are sexually active outside Hong Kong
  6. to organize meetings for volunteers to share the difficulties they encounter. To listen, counsel, give support and motivate these peer counsellors;
  7. to disseminate safe sex messages to HK MSM who are sexually active outside Hong Kong; and
  8. to do harm reduction and patient center project to aware and avoid the use of drugs affecting HIV infection.
Project Duration: May 2017 to April 2018
Contact Person: Ms. Lo Lam Wai (Rain)
Chief Executive
P.O.Box 78757, Mongkok Post Office, Kowloon, Hong Kong
Telephone: 2493 4555