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Programmes/ Projects Supported by ATF


Programmes / Projects supported by the AIDS Trust Fund in July 2015

PPE 649 PJ
Application: JJJ Rapid-Test Services and research in the setting up of Rapid-Test Team by Sex Workers
(Executive Summary submitted by the applicant)
Applicant: JJJ Association
Objectives: The aims of this project are:
  1. to provide regular, convenient, considerate and anonymous rapid test checking service for the one woman brothel sex workers, so as to prevent the spread of STD and to encourage experience exchange between female sex workers and promote the importance of safe sex; and
  2. to investigate the feasibility of establishing rapid-test team by sex workers and to teach them the importance of safe sex to the high-risk group (clients) and encourage STD prevention as female sex workers are able to take an active role in promoting AIDS prevention.
Project Duration: September 2015 to August 2016
Contact Person: Ms LAI Lai-fan
Rm 1106, 11/F.,
Winsum Industrial Building,
588-592 Castle Peak Road,
Telephone: 9552 7520
Fax: /