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Programmes/ Projects Supported by ATF


Programmes / Projects supported by the AIDS Trust Fund in July 2015

MSS 247 R
Application: HIV stigma, mental health, and sexual behavior of PLHIV: Panel survey and ecological momentary assessment
Applicant: Department of Psychology, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Objectives: The objectives of this project are:
  1. to monitor various forms of HIV-related stigma and discrimination that are experienced by people living with HIV (PLHIV) in order to identify situations and scenarios where public stigma is most prevalent and to provide evidence for our anti-stigma efforts in the future;
  2. to assess the extent of self-stigma and mental health of PLHIV and their related factors so as to provide evidence for our mental health promotion efforts in the future; and
  3. to investigate the potential risk factors and contextual features associated with episodes of stigma and risky sexual behavior among HIV+ men who have sex with men (PMSM), which may provide leads as to relevant HIV prevention strategies and mobile technology-based ecological momentary interventions that may be implemented to reduce risk of infection and promote well-being among PMSM.
Project Duration: January 2016 to December 2016
Contact Person: Prof. Winnie W. S. Mak
Associate Professor
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
3/F, Sino Building,
Department of Psychology,
Shatin, New Territories
Telephone: 3943 6577
Fax: 2603 5019