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Programmes/ Projects Supported by ATF


Programmes / Projects supported by the AIDS Trust Fund in March 2015

MSS 235 PM
Application: Public Acceptance, Prevention, Care & Support, and Capacity Building for People at Risks and People living with HIV/AIDS
(Executive Summary submitted by the applicant)
Applicant: The Society for AIDS Care Ltd.
Objectives: The aims of this programme are:
  1. to provide outreach and center based counselling services administered by experienced counsellor to improve socially excluded isolated PLWHA's mental stress, to encourage isolated PLWHA to intergrade with other peer supporters at the SAC center to help perceive themselves positively, to provide group therapy for the isolated PLWHAs as well as to offer a Day center for other PLWHAs to interact with each other and enjoy the facilities provided;
  2. to provide an outreach home care program administered by experienced nurses to provide drug supervision, psychosocial support and HIV education to people who are living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA) and health care education for their carers and act as support team at the SAC Center in delivering rehabilitation programs for PLWHA to help work towards better health maintenance; and
  3. to provide comprehensive outreach rehabilitation care for HIV/AIDS patients and at SAC Center conducted by an experienced physiotherapist.
Project Duration: April 2015 to March 2018
Contact Person: Ms. Alice Chan
Chief Executive Officer
The Society for AIDS Care Ltd
18/F, win Century Centre No. 2A,
MongKong Road, Mong Kong,
Telephone: 2559 2006
Fax: 2521 7668